Thought for the Month

This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged.

For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”’ Joshua 1:9 (NLT)

While Rev’d Tim is enjoying his study leave, I am being gifted with an opportunity to experience new challenges and levels of responsibility. I am so very grateful for everyone’s kindness and support during this time – thank you, all. Whenever we stand on the threshold of a new chapter in life – whatever that may be – many of us will be concerned with the pace and duration of the journey; the destination; and what we will do when we arrive…

          Not long ago, I was sagely reminded that we cannot know or control the future; we can only choose how we will prepare ourselves at the outset of the journey – we can set off well – and beyond that, we can trust that God is with us and ahead of us. In the bible, wherever Jesus ventures onto a boat, the destination is rarely as important as the transformative experience of the journey itself.

Sam Ellmore, ‘The Journey’ (acrylic and charcoal on canvas, 2024)

Last month, I was inspired to express this idea in a painting (above): it is a deliberately impressionistic and unfinished painting of a small boat – polished, packed, and ready for a new journey – waiting on the edge of a body of water, which is partially illuminated by a sunrise, trying to break through a mist, which is obscuring any detail from the horizon. The image contains both ‘hope’ and ‘distress’.

          I keep this painting in my study as reminder that each time I step into the boat, I do so not knowing if I will end up where I expect to – but I set off with purpose and hope, knowing that God is with me, and ahead of me, on the journey; knowing that I will need to be ready to respond to changes that occur along the way; and knowing that I will undoubtedly be changed by the experience.

I pray that God will give you strength and courage for the weeks ahead.

Peace and blessings.

Rev’d Sam Ellmore, curate