Wedding Services at St Mary's

St. Mary’s – Ecclesfield is a lovely Church to get married in

From October 1st 2008 an engaged couple are welcome to be married in St Marys in the
parish of Ecclesfield, not only if one of them lives or worships there, but also if just one of
these applies:

  • one of them was baptised or prepared for confirmation in the parish;
  • one of them has ever lived in the parish for six months or more;
  • one of them has at any time regularly attended public worship in the parish for six
    months or more;
  • one of their parents has lived in the parish for six months or more in their child’s lifetime;
  • one of their parents has regularly attended public worship there for six months or more
    in their child’s lifetime;
  • their parents or grandparents were married in the parish.

St. Mary’s is also used by other parishes where their Churches are undergoing major repair,
restoration or re-ordering.

In church you are making your vows not only in front of your family and friends but
before God.

Blessing Service - After Civil Marriage or renewal of vows

This Service is increasingly popular for couples.

You may be marrying abroad and yet want an opportunity for your friends and wider
family to share in your joy.

You may have married some years ago in a Registry Office and feel you would like to ask
for God's Blessing on your marriage and also renew your marriage vows to one another.

You may be divorced, remarrying in a Registry Office and feel you would like to ask for God's
Blessing in your new life together.

The Blessing Service is similar to a wedding except that the couple enter church together
arm in arm.

Parish Boundary Map

Wedding Guide Book

For Video Recording and/or Photography - No copyright fees are charged


Reading of Banns

Banns need to be read in the parish where each of you lives as well as the church in which

you are to be married, if that is somewhere else. If either of you do not live in the Parish of

Ecclesfield, you will need banns reading in your local church/s as well as Ecclesfield.

They will charge £ 34 plus a certificate fee of £17, a total of £ 51.

If you live in Ecclesfield but are marrying at another church, your banns will need to be read at

Ecclesfield and the charge will also be £ 34 plus a certificate fee of £ 17, a total of £ 51.


Additional Copies of a wedding certificate

On the day of the wedding, these cost £18 per copy.

After the day of the wedding, the same charge of £18 per copy applies.

Please contact us as early as possible to avoid possible delays.


Non-statutory fees



Blessing of a Civil Wedding

Please contact us to discuss your requirements and any options.


Renewal of Wedding Vows

Please contact us to discuss your requirements and any options.


Applications for Banns of Marriage and Weddings should be made to the vicar Tim Gill

See below for details