Thought for the Month

Why bother going to Church? What good will it do me? You might have asked yourself this question - whether you are a regular Church-goer or not.


The first, and most important reason for going to Church is that the Christian faith is true. I don’t mean that in some sort of fundamentalist way. What I mean is that what God has revealed of Himself in Jesus is the truth; as Archbishop Michael Ramsey so memorably put it, ‘God is Christlike.’ Our worship is our response to the God who meets us in Jesus.


There are other reasons for going to Church. Some go because Church is a community where they are known and valued. Our doors are open to all people; all are welcome to take their part in this community. It is a place where all can be at home and be themselves.


For me one of the most important reasons for being part of St Mary’s is that it is a place of peace and refreshment; and peace and refreshment are something that we could all do with at the moment! For almost everyone I know, life at the moment is hard. Few of us feel optimistic or hopeful when we look at the future.


Taking part in Church life and worship is a time of peace and refreshment, not so that we can escape from life in the ‘real world’ into some sort of fantasy. Rather we find strength to face those challenges; and we know that we do not face them alone, that the God who meets us in Jesus is with us in all things and He will never abandon us.


I suppose what I am saying is that when we meet together in Church, when we lift our voices in prayer and worship, when we open our hearts and cry out to God, God meets us in that time and place.


Church is not just for so-called ‘religious’ people; it is certainly not only for those who have their lives sorted. It is for all people, for me and for you.


At St Mary’s we have a variety of types of service at different times and we plan to add to them. St Mary’s is your Church. You are and will always be welcome. If it is a while since you have been along to Church why not try it out?


God bless,

